Unbelievable! I am getting a bit fed up now of things getting in the way of training, especially when it's been going so well. Yesterday my balance went completely and I couldn't stand up. It was like I'd just stepped off an incredibly rough fairground ride and then been spun round 20 times by somebody. I fell over to the ground from standing and everything.
I have to admit, I was terrified. It was an incredibly scary feeling, suddenly having no control over my body like that. The feeling persisted for the rest of the day and when I woke up this morning I was still feeling unsteady on my feet, a bit like I was on a boat. I went to the doctor and he diagnosed me with Labyrinthitis. Yes, that is a real thing! It's when part of your inner ear (known as the labyrinth) becomes inflamed following an infection or virus and this affects your balance and throws it off. I had a cold and some sinus pain a few weeks ago, so they think it's related to that.
I've been told it can take a few weeks to recover from, which is incredibly frustrating, as it's going to make it very hard to run, especially because it also makes me feel physically exhausted. Fingers crossed it goes away quickly and doesn't interfere too much with my training.
Cass x
Just a reminder if you want to sponsor me: http://www.justgiving.com/cassieleedham
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