Monday, 11 October 2010

The rocky (and wobbly) road

Unbelievable! I am getting a bit fed up now of things getting in the way of training, especially when it's been going so well. Yesterday my balance went completely and I couldn't stand up. It was like I'd just stepped off an incredibly rough fairground ride and then been spun round 20 times by somebody. I fell over to the ground from standing and everything.

I have to admit, I was terrified. It was an incredibly scary feeling, suddenly having no control over my body like that. The feeling persisted for the rest of the day and when I woke up this morning I was still feeling unsteady on my feet, a bit like I was on a boat. I went to the doctor and he diagnosed me with Labyrinthitis. Yes, that is a real thing! It's when part of your inner ear (known as the labyrinth) becomes inflamed following an infection or virus and this affects your balance and throws it off. I had a cold and some sinus pain a few weeks ago, so they think it's related to that.

I've been told it can take a few weeks to recover from, which is incredibly frustrating, as it's going to make it very hard to run, especially because it also makes me feel physically exhausted. Fingers crossed it goes away quickly and doesn't interfere too much with my training.

Cass x

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Thursday, 7 October 2010

Best run yet!

I managed to drag my broken self out tonight (mostly thanks to Ed, who encouraged me- thanks Ed) and decided to take a slightly different, longer run. It started out ok; my hip was sore still, but not enough to stop me or slow me down, just enough to be a bit distracting.

I really quickly fell into a comfortable breathing rhythm again and kept it up all the way round my regular route, then past it, and further than I've ever been without stopping! At this point, my breathing had become so comfortable that I was barely even breathing hard.

The thing that got me in the end was stomach cramps. (It's weird thing and I'd love some advice if anyone has any - I'll detail this more in a minute!) So I slowed down to a walk for a minute and then ran again and managed to run all the way back down throughout the final third of the run.

I felt great at the end and not too tired or out of breath. My legs were a little weary, but not too bad and no worse than usual really. I am totally blown away that the improvement is so noticeable and so fast. I really didn't expect this! Running for 2 hours is starting to seem like something I could definitely do and I really never expected to be saying that.

So, I felt pretty good, but then the stomach cramps became unbearably painful, so much so that they made me feel queasy and much to my surprise I was even a bit sick and said hello to a bit of my dinner again! (Sorry if that grosses anyone out!)

I ate dinner at about 7.15 and didn't run til about 9.45, and dinner was wholemeal spaghetti with vegetables and tomato/chili sauce. Did I not leave it long enough? Could it be that I ate too much? I've  been eating pretty small portions recently and tonight's dinner was a little more than I've had in the last week or so.

Any advice anyone can offer me would be great. The stomach cramps have lessened now, but they were really terrible for about 20 minutes after the run. All in all, the stomach pain hasn't reduced the great feeling of achievement I have after tonight's run. Onwards and upwards!

Cass x


I managed to slip down the stairs a couple of days ago and landed a couple of steps down, right on my hip/coccyx incredibly hard and have since been in a lot of pain. Warning to everyone - woolen tights and carpeted spiral staircases do not mix! So that has unfortunately put me back AGAIN as I haven't been able to run for the past 3 days. Not good.

I'm hoping I can get out there tonight, though it's still hurting quite a bit. Not sure how it will affect me, but I need to keep going if I want to see improvement.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Getting through the mental barriers...

It's been about three weeks now since my last post and I've finally started to feel like I am making some progress, after a couple of false starts. I can now run my route once without stopping every time (which to a real runner may be a small thing, but to me is progress!) and tonight, for the first time, I saw the finish line of the route approaching and thought "you know what? I can keep going. Let's keep going!". So we carried on for another few minutes before a little walk and then ran the rest.

My pace was a bit quicker tonight too, averaging about 10km an hour, which I think is pretty decent. I also noticed that I very quickly got into a normal breathing rhythm that felt comfortable and sustainable. The usual struggling to breathe and painful throat/windpipe/chest was gone. It still feels like I'm breathing hard, but I don't feel like I'm fighting for each breath. It was something of a revelation :-)

Anyone who is anything of a runner will now laugh when I say how long I ran - It was 2 and a half kilometres. Not far, I know, but it's already noticeable how much easier it's becoming and I'm only in week 2 of what I consider "proper training", which means running every other day. I feel good about that and I feel like the goal is now looking far more achievable. Hoorah!

The next step is getting back to the gym and strengthening everything. My breathing may be easier, but I need to make sure my body is strong enough to keep going. Having had a lifetime of bad knees, back ache, incorrectly moving shoulder blades and trapped nerves, it's been surprisingly pain free on my body so far, which I am both glad and relieved about. Now I need to make sure I give my body as much help as I can to keep going as the distance increases, because I really need to start ramping it up now if I want to get those long distances.

All in all, tonight has been a really positive run and I'm looking forward to another!

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